The PIPA Prize 2024 Board selected four artists from the 62 participating artists of this 15th edition of the Prize, who were nominated by the Nominating Committee.

The four winners of 2024, known as Awarded Artists, are: Aislan PankararuAline Mottaenorê, and Nara Guichon.

The curator of the PIPA Institute, Luiz Camillo Osorio, comments on the selection:

“The four winners of the 15th edition of PIPA – Aislan Pankararu, Aline Motta, enorê, and Nara Guichon – show unusual vitality in their work, incorporating heterogeneous temporalities into bold formalization processes. Whether it’s through a return to traditional craftsmanship or through the use of cutting-edge technologies, these four poetics work on unconventional ways of perceiving the present. Above all, they experiment with new links between history and fabulation, craftsmanship and delirium, ancestry and science, art and ecology.

It is by pushing the boundaries of languages that art explores the unknown, freeing the imagination to go beyond what we already know. Only in this way, in the midst of a civilizational crisis like the one we are experiencing today, can we reconfigure aborted pasts and open up unexpected horizons of expectation for what is to come. This is PIPA’s commitment, as a window on what has been happening on the Brazilian scene over the last 15 years: to highlight the various brazils that coexist, not necessarily peacefully, within the same country.”

The PIPA Prize 2024 exhibition with the four artists will be held in parallel with the PIPA Institute‘s 15th anniversary exhibition at the Paço Imperial in Rio de Janeirobetween August 3 and October 20, 2024.

The PIPA Prize 2024 catalogue will be launched before the end of the exhibition. To access the catalogues of previous editions, click here.

You can also learn more about The PIPA Foundation, an institution created to promote Brazilian contemporary art internationally.

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