Check out the complete and updated list of the artists nominated for PIPA Prize 2024

Throughout this week, we published daily bulletins gradually revealing the artists nominated for the fifteenth edition of the PIPA Prize. There is a total of 65 artists – of which 50 were nominated for the first time – chosen by the Nominating Committee.

Like the past editions, the Prize decided to focus on more recent production, being directed to artists who had their first solo or group exhibition no longer than 15 years ago. The Prize’s goal is to be a boost for artists at the beginning of their careers who develop distinguished works. Only the artists who respond to the requests from the PIPA Prize Coordination within the stated deadlines will be considered Participating Artists and will be eligible to take part in the PIPA Prize and PIPA Online.

  • PIPA Prize – The PIPA Prize Board will choose four artists from those who confirm their participation in PIPA Prize 2024. These four Awarded Artists will participate in an exhibition at Paço Imperial, in Rio de Janeiro, between August and October this year, and in a virtual exhibition on the Prize’s websites and social mediaproducing new content for the occasion. Each one will receive a donation of R$20,000.
  • PIPA Online – It happens in two rounds and each of the two most voted artists receives a donation of R$5,000. This year’s edition is scheduled to happen between July and August.

If your name is on the list below, please contact us at

Check out the complete list of PIPA Prize 2024 nominated artists:
(Click on the underlined names to see the pages of artists who already participated in previous editions)

Acervo da Lage
Acidum Project (Robezio Marques e Terezadequinta)
Aislan Pankararu
Alexandre Canonico
Aline Motta
Amora Moreira (Amorinha)
Antonio Tarsis
Arquivo Mangue
Arthur Palhano
Augusto Leal
Bane Cleiber Huni Kuin
Bruna Kury
Catarina Dee Jah
Clara Moreira
Daiara Tukano
Daniel Lima
Gabriel Massan
Gabz 404
Gu da Cei
Gustavo Magalhães
Hal Wildson
Iah Bahia
Igi Lola Ayedun
Igor Nunes
Igor Oliveira
Jefferson Medeiros
José Roberto Bassul
Juliana dos Santos
Karola Braga

Keila Sankofa
Lucelia Maciel
Manuela Costa Silva
Mari Nagem
Maria Eugênia Madricardi
Mariana Maia
Mauricio Chades
Miguel Chiquitano
Nádia Taquary
Nara Guichon
Natan Dias
Nay Jinknss
Noara Quintana
Patrizia D’Angello
Rafael BQueer
Raíssa Studart
Rebeca Carapiá
Romulo Barros
Sallisa Rosa
Samuel Macedo
Talles Lopes
Val Souza
Vulcanica Pokaropa
Xadalu Tupã Jekupé
Yacunã Tuxá
Yaka Huni Kuin
Yaka Huni Kuin e Rita Huni Kuin
Yan Nicolas São Thiago
Yara Pina
Ziel Karapotó